Latest IPIFF Events
Gathering exponents from EU institutions, insect farmers and international stakeholders, this IPIFF Annual conference entitled ‘Shaping European Food Systems: How insect farming is contributing to the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy targets‘ focused on how the European insect sector is contributing to achieving the F2F targets and addressing global challenges.
For more information and the PDF presentations, please refer to the dedicated webpage here.
Three after its publication, the IPIFF Brochure ‘Building bridges between the insect production chain, research and policymakers‘ got updated with new research opportunities for the insect sector, taking into account the latest regulatory developments.
The objective of this workshop was to facilitate research collaboration unleashing new opportunities for the insect sector and raise awareness about the European and global needs of tomorrow’s food systems – particularly when it comes to strengthening cross-border collaboration.
Please find here the draft programme and the biographies of the speakers here.
The International Platform of Insects as Food and Feed (IPIFF) and the North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture (NACIA) online event examined the latest developments in the rapidly expanding insects as food and feed industry in the EU and North America.
This interactive webinar provided a high-level overview of the insect agriculture industry’s regulatory progress, market opportunities, and best practices that is expanding into food, pet food, animal feed, and soil health markets.
The webinar took place on the 6th of April 2022 at 8:00 AM (PT)/11:00 AM (ET)/5:00 PM (CEST).
Please find the draft programme here.
2021 has been a very eventful year for the European insect food sector: several regulatory milestones were reached, including two insect novel food authorisations – for dried yellow mealworm and for dried and frozen migratory locust respectively. In addition to that, the EU Member States authorities’ approved the draft implementing regulations aiming to authorise the commercialisation of dried, ground and frozen house cricket (Acheta domesticus) and frozen, dried and powder yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) respectively, for the EU market.
To take stock of these developments and to discuss possible future developments and their implications, IPIFF organised on 15 December 2021 a dedicated webinar on insect novel food for which welcomed speakers from DG SANTE (European Commission), EFSA, the European Snack Association (ESA) and of course the European insect food.
Read more in the IPIFF Press Release here.
The programme of the event is available through this link and the updated biographies of the speakers here.
After several online events due to the Covid pandemic, IPIFF (the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed) held its upcoming annual conference entitled ‘Maximising the contribution of alternative sources of proteins towards sustainable food systems: Opportunities and challenges at European level‘. The conference took place physically (respecting the current covid dispositions) on the 1st of December 2021 from 9.00 am, at Hotel Bedford in Brussels, Belgium.
To have a look at the programme, click here and to the speakers’ biographies here.
Following the authorisation of insects in aquaculture animals in July 2017, the Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1372 authorises the use of processed animal proteins derived from insects (insect PAPs) in poultry and pig feed.
As this authorisation entered into force on the 7th of September, this webinar focused on the benefits of insect PAPs for European agri-food actors and consumers as well as on the expected positive effects of this authorisation on the development of the insect sector.
The programme of the event is available through this link and the updated biographies of the speakers here.
IPIFF (International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed) held, on the 27th of July, this affiliated session ‘The contribution of the insect sector to the UN SDGs’ of the United Nations Food Systems Pre-Summit, aiming at presenting an overview of how insect farming may contribute to accelerating progress on the Agenda 2030 priorities.
More information regarding the programme and the speakers is available here.
Presentations: Adriana Casillas IPIFF, Renata Clarke, FAO Caribbean
Latest updates:
- The recording of this Workshop will be available on the IPIFF YouTube channel during the week succeeding the event.
This International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed online event was dedicated to the application of insect frass as fertiliser and soil improver. This EU Green Week partner event gathered representatives from the European Commission and other relevant stakeholders focusing on opportunities for improving circularity in food production in the transition towards zero pollution farming.
Latest updates:
- IPIFF published a Press Release on this subject, available through this link.
- The recording of this Workshop will be available on the IPIFF YouTube channel during the week succeeding the event.
IPIFF – the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed – the umbrella organisation of the European insect producing sector, hosted an International Workshop entitled ‘Circular Agriculture – the Role of Insect Farming in Connecting Local Supply Chains’ on the 19th of November.
Latest updates:
- IPIFF published a Press Release on this subject, available through this link.
- The recording of this Workshop will be available on the IPIFF YouTube channel during the week succeeding the event.
Organised online, this conference focused on the contribution of the European insect sector to the objectives of the ‘Farm to Fork‘ Strategy. Notably, stakeholders active in different links throughout the insect production value chains, together with members of the civil society and representatives of the European institutions, engaged in a constructive dialogue on the contribution of insect farming to improving sustainability in the agri-food sectors. Among others, the speakers focused their intervention on key societal challenges, such as the need to improve circularity in food production, the potential to upcycle underutilised streams into higher-value protein rich-materials, but also the synergies between insect farming and organic agriculture.
The final programme of the event is available through this link and the updated biographies of the panellists and speakers here.
IPIFF is proud to announce that this International Workshop is a #EUGreenWeek partner event.
Follow the hashtags #EUGreenWeek & #GreenWeek for more information regarding this initiative.
IPIFF Workshop ‘Unleashing the Circularity Potential of the European Insect Sector through Research and Innovation’ – Brussels, 03rd December
The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) wishes to thank all participants, speakers and sponsors – who all made this International Workshop a success!
Gathered in the EU’s capital for the International Workshop entitled ‘Unleashing the Circularity Potential of the European Insect Sector through Research and Innovation’ and the IPIFF General Assembly, the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) – the Brussels-based umbrella organisation representing stakeholders active across the insect production value chains – reiterated the importance of synergetic research initiatives, developed in harmony with the regulatory calendar of the sector and markets’ needs.
The full Press Release of the event can be accessed here.
The final programme can be found here.

IPIFF Workshop on Good Hygiene Practices in Insect Production – Copenhagen, 27th May
The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF), together with the Danish Insect Network (DIN) have organised a one-day workshop on good hygiene practices in insect production, taking place in Copenhagen on the 27th of May.
The objective of this workshop is to present the latest EU regulatory developments that are relevant to the activities of insect producers, but also to offer a succinct introduction to the latest IPIFF publication, the Guide on Good Hygiene Practices. We also aim at consolidating the European network of professionals from the insect sector by bringing together high-level officials from Brussels, relevant actors from the agri-food chain and academia.

‘Insects for food & feed: how to translate EU food & feed safety requirements on the ground?’
Prepared in collaboration with external legal and scientific experts, the IPIFF package of guideline documents has been officially presented at a Workshop organized in Madrid on 29 May. Most of these documents are available on the IPIFF website.

Insects for food and feed: opportunities for tackling societal challenges
The 1st IPIFF International Conference hold in Brussels on the 21 November 2017, gathered more than 250 participants, including EU Commissioner for Health & Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Parliament and Estonian Presidency representatives, as well as delegates ranging from insect producers, policy makers, scientists, NGOs and Agrifood industry, recalled the potential lying in insects for food and feed. Furthermore, the event raised awareness about the opportunities for insect producers in a European context.