IPIFF Annual EventNewsUncategorised

SAVE THE DATE – 3rd of December – ‘Unleashing the Circularity Potential of the European Insect Sector through Research and Innovation’


IPIFF – the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed – the umbrella organisation of the European insect producing sector, is cordially inviting you to take part in the upcoming international workshop on the 3rd of December, entitled Unleashing the Circularity Potential of the European Insect Sector through Research and Innovation’.

Taking place in the capital of the European Union, this event will bring together numerous stakeholders active across the insect production value chains (food and feed), renown researchers, members of the civil society as well as EU policymakers – ranging from European Commission representatives to Members of the European Parliament and national authorities.

In the context of the new framework of the Horizon Europe programme, the above actors will debate the European research needs and opportunities for the development of insect production activities, as a means of providing viable solutions for societal challenges – on both EU and global level.

Prior to the release of our preliminary programme, we invite you to pre-register by sending us an email to info@ipiff.org. We will, at a later stage, send you detailed information regarding the access to the workshop and your trip to Brussels.

Save the date and join us in December for taught-provoking presentations and future-oriented discussions!

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